The 7 rules for giving peace of mind
- Visit the website of the non-profit organization (NPO) to which you want to donate to find out in detail the activities it carries out.
- Obtain the publications of the NPO or contact it to obtain information directly.
- Make sure that the NPO provides as complete and transparent information as possible about itself and about the projects it asks to support: a) it is important to check if the NPO makes its structure known, if it explains what its governing bodies are and control, if it illustrates its mission; b) it is important that the aims of the projects, the methods of implementation, the costs, the times, the expected results are specified and that any partners are indicated.
- Verify that the NPO publishes the economic balance sheet: a balance sheet has greater value if it is certified by an independent auditing firm or if it is made known through publication in national newspapers, as well as on the NPO website.
- Make sure that the NPO draws up an annual report of the activities (social or mission report) specifying, for each project, the cost and the results obtained with the funds raised.
- Evaluate how many funds each year the NPO allocates to the maintenance of its internal structure and how much is allocated to external projects.
- Verify that the NPO to which you want to donate is located in the I donate secure database, as proof of its reliability and transparency. The organizations included in Io dono Sure adhere to the Italian Donation Institute , the body that verifies, after accurate and direct annual analyzes, all of the above and much more.
Guru and Charity because philanthropy is good for those who do it
Tax advantages, visibility and power are some of the keys to understanding the stars and stripes philanthropy and why the topic becomes fundamental in wealth management. The great stars and stripes gurus do charity and make money, paying less taxes and increasing visibility and power.
There is no shortage of question marks as to whether charity is also good for the rest of Americans.
In fact, critics argue that it would be better to make the Scroogers pay more taxes, perhaps on the entire assets and not on the annual turnover, so as to allow improvements for everyone on different school fronts, infrastructures, roads), rather than allowing the elite to squander the respective patrimonies between private Foundations and the most desperate causes, deciding in a club for a select few the priorities to be supported in America but also in the way.
For supporters, billionaires know how to manage their projects much better than public offices, even when they engage in philanthropic works that still bring some benefit to the community. According to Forbes calculations, in January 2021 the first 25 US billionaires donated a total, in their life, of 149 billion dollars out of 799 billion of assets. A staggering figure, equal to the GDP of many nations. But “that’s America”.